Week 1

What did you learn about that helped you understand more about design?
One thing I learned that helped me understand design is the C.R.A.P. principle, and how all the elements of a page are structured.
What do you want to continue learning about that helps you understand design better?
I want to continue learning more about the different design principles. I also want to learn about best practices when creating or designing a webpage and what you should and should not do when laying out different elements of a page.
What Design aspects are important to you as a user and as a developer?
As a user or a developer important Design aspects to me are readability and simplicity. If there is too much going on within the page it could be difficult to read or hard to follow the flow of the page.
What is the number one thing that held you back this week? Why?
The one thing that held me back this week is still trying to completely understand JavaScript. The more we practice with it and continue doing projects with it the better I feel about using it. There are many different ways to do things with JavaScript and trying to understand them all is proving to be a challenge.
What is one thing you would like to get better at in bootcamp?
One thing I want to get better at in bootcamp is not being so reluctant to ask questions or ask for help. I also want to eventually be able to understand stuff more so I do not have to ask for help as much or feel like I don't understand something.